PD Evaluations
The session ended with a call for questions and a short exit survey. This survey was short, only 4 questions, and was followed up by a more comprehensive survey a week later which was delivered by email. All six staff members stayed to the end and filled out a survey. A week later I sent a Thank you email and a request to do a second, longer survey which focused on what they retained and how likely they were to use Google Forms in their classroom. I also made it clear i was available for further help if they so required. Only five staff members returned the second evaluation. Since I decided to make names optional, to promote honesty, I can not be sure of who did not respond. Looking at the data from the first evaluation, it seemed in general responses immediately following the presentation were high. Everyone rated the presentation a four or five. Although there were a couple of fours, the majority picked five. That is not to say that everyone was now a believer, One person, at least, seemed to have serious doubts, rating it a three when asked how likely he was to use it in his classroom. Two of the respondents seem enthusiastic about using it, giving a response of five.
When asked what they learned, the majority seemed to have learned what I intended. One respondent apparently misread the question(?) or did not have anything to say, responding merely, “Good presentation”. In the final comment asking for further comments, one participant (Sean) was still concerned about cheating, so apparently I did not adequately address his initial fears. He had indicated this on hit pre-survey. If I do this again, I will have to be more careful about addressing concerns. Form this initial survey, it seemed Jan, Tony and Cheryl may become adopters.
One week later, I received five responses to the emails I sent out looking for a follow-up. The email said “I was very glad to be invited to speak to you last week. If you could help me, please follow this link and take a follow-up survey - https://goo.gl/forms/BElfYyCoHuKAHmBw2”. From the responses, I found that one person did not respond. I can not be sure who did not submit, but it was either John Sheridan or Jill Synnott, as everyone else gave their names. Looking at the data, Jan Othen’s enthusiasm has dropped off. I wrote a follow-up email to her offering any help I could give, but so far have received no response. Tony and Cheryl Farley both seem to be maintaining a high level of enthusiasm. Cheryl farley is already using Forms since the presentation, and Tony seems he will soon when I followed up with him. I will maintain contact to see if I can offer any further assistance.
One fear I had was that a single session of two hours straight was too long. However, the responses indicated that the participant felt it was not. I also got high marks on the presentation being hands on. As far as skills learned, at least a week later, it seemed they remembered the major information. Overall it went well.